About Nomad Guide

about nomad guide

About nomadguide.eu

Nomadguide.eu offers guidance to digital nomads and remote workers in Europe. We aim to provide informative content that will help guide you in your search for your next destination, whether that’s a change of scenery for a few days or weeks, or a place to live and base yourself for a much longer period.

The site will also hopefully be a useful resource for anyone considering a change to a location independent lifestyle and you may find some inspiration in our blog section. We also have country guides and a number of articles on travel and living costs in different cities around Europe.

Nomad Guide writers

Danny Holm

digital nomad writer

Danny is a digital nomad who has travelled extensively in Europe whilst writing about his adventures. He’s a regular writer for nomadguide.eu and has experience of short stays in many different European countries whilst working online.

Mark Sochon

freelance writer in Spain

Mark is a freelance writer currently based in Madrid. He writes about Spanish and European football as well as travel and he has visited most countries in the EU. He has lived and worked remotely from various cities across Iberia. You can contact him via twitter.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or want to know more about the site, you can get in touch with an email to:

info (@) nomadguide.eu

Please note, we are not in a position to answer legal queries about obtaining visas or residency rights in Europe. This will vary according to your nationality and individual circumstances.

We are open to hearing any collaboration proposals.

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